How To Put a Good Resume Together

 A good resume is vital as it’s the first step to getting an interview. Try to think of it as a marketing tool and not just a summary sheet. Saying that there are some essentials that you need to include. Below are some helpful hints as to how to balance providing information with grabbing the recruiter’s attention so you can get that interview!

  1. Make sure the fundamentals are correct.

Before diving into the complexity, it’s a good idea to brush up on the fundamentals. Personal information, educational qualifications, employment background, and references all need to be correct. So first check these. As a rule, you work backward chronologically, with your most recent experience or qualification listed first.

2. Presentation is Key

You are trying to create a first impression and grab the recruiter’s attention. So it’s not just about the facts shown in your resume; it’s also about how that information is presented. Although it’s great to use fancy fonts and formatting bear, in mind how many resumes the recruiter has to look through. They probably don’t have much time or patience. So if they have to search through your resume to find the information they are more likely to disregard it. So make sure that your resume is clear and readable, using headings and putting all the information in chronological order

3. Keep it brief

Recruiters are time-poor, they just have too many applications to go through. So make sure your resume is as concise as possible, ideally, it should be one page long, at a push 2 pages long. As your career progresses you only need to summarise past jobs, just include a brief description of your role there. It’s a balance though, as you don’t want to leave out information if it is relevant to the job you are applying to. The trick is to have all of the necessary information but in a concise format.

4. Make sure you understand the job role

Before applying for a job, read the job description thoroughly to make sure you understand what qualities are needed for the role. Check your resume and make sure it highlights where your past experience matches the qualities needed and shows any experience you already have in this sector. If a job description mentions that you will have to be trained and gain qualifications to do the role, put that you are ‘eager to learn and update your skillset.’ Remember that you need to be the piece that fits into the jigsaw that the job vacancy is.

5. Update your Resume

It’s critical to keep your professional experience listed on your resume up to date. If you take on a new project or get more experience in a different area make sure you add it to your resume so that potential employers can quickly see your experience and skill level.


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